Monday, 28 January 2008

Big RedBubble of love...

Newsflash! Well, to me anyway. I discovered a site called Redbubble today, and it is my New Favourite Thing. A kind of free-for-all collective of photographs, art and designs which anyone can upload and then sell through their gallery service. The designs can be printed onto t-shirst (American Apparel ones, so hopefully should be well-fitting) and they are, above all, very cheap! About £13 for a design, with about £2 shipping if you are in the UK. Pretty amazing.
I was particularly taken with the "Tweet" design by Lou Lou, a lovely little bird drawing, which I now WANT on the cranberry t-shirt. The photos are the really special thing though. Everything from personal photos to landscapes and close-ups. You can even have them printed on canvases or framed as part of their package.
I also really like their philosophy on art. Here is a choice morsel;
"I believe RedBubble is part of a revolution in the artistic market. It is about the rediscovery that art can be embedded in the fabric of society rather than spread on top like a thin veneer of Vegemite. "
Love it!

Photo coutesy of Diana Calvario @

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